How to prepare the TP docs?
In Hungary, since 1st september 2003, the regulation requires the intercompany transactios to be documented, showing that the applied price is an "Arm's lenth" price.
These documents have formal requirements, also some prescriptons about the content.
Since 2006, during fiscal controls, the authoritirs are cotrolling the transferprice documents moreand more severely. The potencial penalty is 2 millioh HUF, if the document is missing, or basic error is found. In addition, the fiscal office can also modify the fair market price of the transaction, this might generate additional tax liability.
We guaranty, that our documents meet all requirements, rearding the formal or the content independently, whether the transaction is about services, transfer of goods, financing or off balace items.
Our documents are well founded, using databases, in order to give the highest level of security.
Please conmtact us, if you have any questions regarding your transfer price documentation!